Friends of the Tanglefoot

If you would like to become actively involved in your communities in support of the Trail, we hope you’ll become a member of Friends of the Tanglefoot Trail.

Membership is open to anyone who joins with a $25 annual contribution and is interested in helping the organization as it seeks to assist the GM&O Rails-to-Trails Recreational District.

  • Raise funds to enhance and maintain the trail
  • Sponsor events
  • Plan educational programs
  • Protect the trail
  • Promote the trail and its activities

Annual Membership Levels of Support

Contributions to the GM&O Rails-to-Trails Recreational District are tax deductible under IRS rules.
Please consult your tax professional.

As a Friend of the Tanglefoot Trail, you may actively participate in local county chapters or simply be a financial supporter. Donations of $25 or more can receive an annual membership and a static cling decal. Donations of $100 or more can receive an annual membership, a static cling decal, and a t-shirt. All Friends of the Tanglefoot will be annually listed on the Trail’s website.

We sincerely appreciate your interest and support!