Annual List of our Friends
The Board of Directors of the GM&O Rails to Trails Recreational District of North Mississippi gratefully appreciates your support and your membership in Friends of the Tanglefoot Trail.
Trail Blazer Society
Sign up to join the Trail Blazer Society!
Sign up to be a Conductor!
Sign up to be an Engineer!
- Lynn and Tina Holland
- Chuck and Barbara Inman
- Cosmopolitan Club
- Bill and Elise Theobald
- Wes Moore – Renewed 2019
Sign up to be a Developer!
- Joyce East
- Tommy and Margaret Futral
- Nora Rasco Keasler
- Steve Keasler
- Bob Scott
- Mark Guy
- Alice Wilson
- Lanny Wilson
- Carol Koutroulis
- Jim Hawkins
- Robert and Sunshine Stewart – Renewed 2016, 2017, 2018
- Wade and Ginger Holland
- The Bike Rack, Inc.
- Mike and Penny Falkner
- John Irle
- Lynn McGee
- Andrew Battaile – Renewed June 2016
- Harry Freeman
- Charles Baldwyn
Path Finder
Sign up to be a Path Finder!
- Amy Creighton
- Colt and Dee Ann Doom
- John Hall
- Lecia Stubblefield
- Doug and Wanda Sweeney
- Rowlett Nursery and Landscaping
- Ed Grisham
- Mike and Anne Kyle – Renewed 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
- Jerome A. Gilbert
- Virginia Welch
Sign up to be a Scout!
- Ronnie Vanlandingham
- Randy and Donna Cobb
- Tom Kirby
- Hugh Yarbrough
- Anita Yarbrough
- Judy McQuary
- Mike Heldt
- Shenia K. Jones
- Karen Watson
- Beau Wilson
- Kevin M. Jones
- Marion and Pamela Alford
- Beau Wilson
- Mike Chandler – Renewed 10/29/18
- M.E. Thoma, MD
- Randy and Lisa Smith